Пятая симфония Бетховена, пять великих дирижёров

Пятая симфония Бетховена, пять великих дирижёров

О этом плейлисте

Герберт фон Караян, Клаудио Аббадо, Зубин Мета, Даниэль Баренбойм, сэр Георг Солти

Five extraordinary conductors bring Beethoven's genius back to life: discover the Fifth Symphony on medici.tv!

Beethoven's Fifth Symphony is widely regarded as the quintessential embodiment of Beethoven's style in the collective consciousness. In fact, among the nine symphonic scores composed by the German genius, it is the one that best summarizes and exemplifies the author’s personality traits. Isn't the famous opening theme of four repeated notes the musical image of the titanic genius’ romanticized portrayal, complete with his disheveled mane? Beethoven's Fifth Symphony was a great innovation in its time: it did not simply follow a basic idea through its four movements (as had been the case with the Eroica Symphony), but it realized and brought to fruition a transition from a situation of conflict to a synthesis of these tensions. It has been authoritatively and convincingly argued that this internal journey is configured as a musical projection of Kantian ethics; it is likely that it also reflects, and is at least suggestive, of autobiographical events. On medici.tv, we have gathered five legendary interpretations of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony: from Zubin Mehta to Daniel Barenboim, from Sir Georg Solti to Claudio Abbado and Herbert von Karajan, relive Beethoven's romantic genius!

Discover all the nuances of Beethoven's Fifth: 5 legendary interpretations for 5 different experiences!

Beethoven’s music is indeed titanic in his Fifth Symphony. Yet, his style is also less emphatic when compared to his Eroica Symphony. The form itself is essential, internally coherent and devoid of rhetorical expansions. The themes emerge clearly and concisely: just consider the opening motif, the iconic "three notes plus one" – it is destiny knocking at the door, as Beethoven himself defined it. Five legendary conductors have answered this call, and on this page, you can rediscover their sublime interpretations. You can relive the emotion of the exceptional Herbert von Karajan, in the company of the impeccable Berliner Philharmoniker. You can establish a connection between the student and the master by listening to Claudio Abbado, Karajan's successor at the helm of the prestigious Berlin orchestra! When discussing Beethoven, he said: "With Beethoven, one never stops learning". Furthermore, Beethoven's Fifth Symphony is masterfully interpreted by Sir Georg Solti: prepare to be catapulted to the front row of the Royal Albert Hall, where in 1985, the eminent conductor led the BBC Symphony Orchestra in an interpretation destined to remain in history. Last but not least, discover a historic performance: Daniel Barenboim accompanied by the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra, for the first time in the West Bank. Thus, classical music and Beethoven's Fifth become an opportunity for a historic reconciliation that only music can achieve. Don't wait any longer! medici.tv, the best online platform for classical music streaming, allows you to discover the very best of classical music!

On medici.tv, you can listen to the best interpretations of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony

"[Beethoven's Fifth Symphony] rises in an ever-increasing climax, irresistibly carrying the audience into the boundless realm of spirits. Nothing could be simpler than the main phrase of the first Allegro, consisting of just two beats, which at first, in unison, doesn't even provide the listener with a definite tone. [...] The chest, oppressed and confined in the presentiment of a monstrous threat of ruin, seems to powerfully seek air in sharp sounds; but immediately, a friendly figure passes brilliantly in front of it, illuminating the dark night traversed by shivers." - E. T. A. Hoffmann

With these words, the novelty and fascination of Beethoven’s Fifth was reviewed by Hoffmann in the most important music publication of his time, where he illustrated and highlighted all the complexity and intellectual ambition of such a score. Indeed, there are numerous innovations at play, starting from the first movement, which is perhaps the most perfect exemplification of the tragic significance of the key of C minor and, at the same time, of Beethoven's dialectic, based on the contrast between two ideas: one vehement and one imploring. What makes the first movement of Beethoven's Fifth famous, however, is above all its vivid memorability, with those celebrated "three plus one" reiterated strokes which—as the composer himself stated—symbolize "Fate knocking at the door". The second musical idea in Beethoven's Fifth serves as a diversion within the complex structure of the score. It is interrupted by sudden silences and individual instrumental voices, imparting an anguishing and inquisitive quality to the piece. This is followed by the Andante con moto (in A-flat major), which maintains a tranquil atmosphere characterized by a steady and calm movement. Here, two melodic themes alternate in a page of elegance reminiscent of Mozart's style, enriched with delicate and enticing variations. As for the classic Scherzo in the third movement, in Beethoven's Fifth it is labeled an Allegro, broadening its function as a softening element through the eerie use of double basses, emerging in a fugato-style pianissimo, following a technique already employed in the Eroica Symphony. From this pianissimo, a long transitional episode unfolds, connecting—for the first time in his production—the last two movements of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony. From this restless silence, the grand finale emerges: the Allegro. It evolves through musical concepts such as the hymn and the march, emphasizing the final cadence and culminating in an apotheosis that nullifies and reconciles all contradictions. In summary, this symphony introduces numerous innovations, extending beyond mere technical aspects. In 1918, the musicologist Paul Bekker wrote that the great revolution of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony lay not so much in the invention of a new symphonic model, but in the conception of a new audience, one that was no longer occasional but universal. In fact, he elaborated upon Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony: "The ideal image of an audience for whom Beethoven wrote, and from whom he drew the strength and impetus of his ideas, represented a further development of the great democratic movement that, starting from the French Revolution, led to the German Wars of Liberation. [...] We can perceive it anew every time we experience within ourselves the cathartic and solemn power of a Beethoven Symphony, for in those moments we ourselves become the audience for whom Beethoven composed, the community to whom he speaks." Beethoven's Fifth Symphony thus connects us to a timeless audience, composed of the great men of the past. So, what are you waiting for? Join this community of music enthusiasts from all eras: join us on medici.tv, the best classical music streaming platform!