
The Ensemble Amarcord plays Josquin des Prez

St. Thomas Church, Leipzig

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Wolfram Lattke — Tenor

Robert Pohlers — Tenor

Frank Ozimek — Baritone

Daniel Knauft — Bass

Holger Krause — Bass

Program notes

The Ensemble Amarcord displays its unwavering dedication to the art of polyphonic singing within the walls of the splendid St. Thomas Church in Leipzig, the ideal place to interpret a program dedicated to the music of 16th-century composer Josquin des Près.

In their exploration of the repertoire left by this essential figure in Western music history, the quintet's throughline is music about the Virgin Mary: more than one Ave Maria and Salve Regina feature in this moving program, almost a reminder of the close connection felt by some listeners between artistic beauty and the experience of mystical joy.

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