Evgeny Kissin — Pianist
Program notes
Evgeny Kissin is a pianist of international reputation. A veteran of the romantic scene, in this concert from the 2014 Verbier Festival, the Russian musician once more reveals the extent of his talent. Performing works by Schubert and Scriabin, Kissin surprises, fascinates and enchants.
The concert opens with Schubert's Piano Sonata No. 17 in D Major. While Schubert's piano sonatas remain relatively unknown, they feature a startlingly original harmonic language. Composed during a happy period in the composer's life, the sonata's theme highlights Schubert's rhythmic genius and unlimited imagination.
As for Scriabin, he is one of the few Russian composers to have renewed interest in the genre of the sonata of the 20th century. His Sonata No. 2, titled Sonata-Fantasy, contemplates a pair of contrasting scenes: a night at the seaside, and a storm, two "fantasies" which give the sonata its two-movement structure. Kissin closes with an interpretation of Scriabine's Etudes, which represent the most complete cycle of works by the composer. The Russian soul is perfectly brought to live in this virtuosic performance.
Photo: © Nicolas Brodard