
The Zadig Trio performs Rachmaninov, Beethoven, and Schoenberg

Nocturna: a new audiovisual production

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Трио «Zadig»

Ян Барбер — Пианист

Борис Борголотто — Скрипач

Марк Жирар Гарсиа — Виолончелист

О программе

The award-winning Trio Zadig—made up of pianist Ian Barber, violinist Boris Borgolotto, and cellist Marc Girard Garcia—offer up this stunning audiovisual production dedicated to nighttime in all its guises: agitated, calm, mysterious, and astonishing. After the sun sets, immerse yourself in these poetic images, a melodic nighttime vigil that sweeps in and out of the shadows... 

Three different nighttime periods and three different visual moods animate three stylistically divergent but equally beloved works: Rachmaninov's sleepy Trio élégiaque in G Minor, Beethoven's dreamy "Ghost" Trio in D Major, and Schoenberg's evocative Transfigured Night (Verklärte Nacht).

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