

A choreography by Nicolas Le Riche

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Николя Ле Риш — Хореограф

Гийом Гальенн — Сотрудничество в драматургии

Луис Дандрел — Электроакустические произведения

Даниэль Жаннето — Художник-постановщик

Оливье Берио — Художник по костюмам

Доминик Брюгиер — Художник по свету

Оркестр Парижской национальной оперы

Фредерик Ларок — Скрипач, дирижёр

Клэрмари Оста — Танцовщица

Стефан Бюльон — Танцор

Матиас Хейманн — Танцор

Кордебалет Национальной оперы Парижа

О программе

This live ballet is no longer available. If you want to know the current list of the live concerts still available, please check the "latest concerts" column in the "live" section.

Ballet in 5 acts, Argument by Nicolas Le Riche and Guillaume Gallienne.

First performed in 2005, Caligula is Étoile Dancer Nicolas Le Riche's first choreography for the Paris Opera Ballet. Intrigued by the complex and troubling personality of the Roman emperor, the choreographer evokes the torments of a frail man capable of loving the moon and idolizing his horse, a man impassioned by theatre and constantly playing a role himself.

Constructed as a tragedy, the choreography follows the inexorable progression of this solitary hero towards death. Accompanied by Vivaldi's Four Seasons, which illustrates the irremediable passage of time, the dance, in all its depth and energy, translates the poetry and the violence inherent in a life consumed at lightning speed by excess.

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