
Michel Tabachnik conducts Debussy: Le Martyre de Saint-Sébastien

Adaptation and videos by Jean-Philippe Clarac and Olivier Deloeuil. With Micha Lescot, Karen Vourc’h and Éric Bougnon

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Этот концерт представлен


Мишель Табачник — Дирижёр

Брюссельский филармонический оркестр

Хор Фламандского радио

Симфонический хор Октопус

Миша Лескот — Le Saint

Карен Вурч — La Mère

Эрик Буньон — Le Père

Бланш Конрад — La Bonne

Полин Сабатье — Le Jumeau

Мария Калинина — Le Jumeau

Жан-Филипп Кларак — Adaptation, staging and video conception

Оливье-Даниэль Делёй — Adaptation, staging and video conception

О программе

The Cité de la musique in Paris welcomes the Brussels Philharmonic to perform the Martyre de Saint-Sébastien, the masterpiece of Claude Debussy composed on texts by Gabriele D'Annunzio. The performance, produced by the famous directors Jean-Philippe Clarac and Olivier Deloeuil, includes six soloists and two choirs, and promises to be stunning.

For Jean-Philippe Clarac and Olivier Deloeuil the revelation that Sébastien brings to the five different bodies looks like tattooing. In fact, even though the production of the Mystère reproduces the spirit of Debussy's work, the esthetics is new and recalls the style of Pasolini'sThéorème. The narration is built up on different levels: the main action, the orchestra and the choirs' part, the reading of some texts and videos and sounds from nature.

This concert will be also webcast on www.citedelamusiquelive.tv.

A co-production Cité de la musique, Arsenal de Metz, Brussels Philharmonic and le L@b, with Palazzetto Bru Zane – Centre de musique romantique française.

Endorsements of the Fondation Orange.

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