
Балеты со звездами Парижской оперы (I/II)

Патрик Дюпон, Ноэлла Понтуа, Сильви Гиллем – Труппа Норберта Шмуки, артисты балета Парижской национальной оперы

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Патрик Дюпон — Le Petit Pan, Le Cygne blanc

Ноэлла Понтуа — Le Cygne blanc

Сильви Гиллем — Grand pas classique

Манюэль Легри — Grand pas classique

Кадер Беларби — Boubou, Rixe, Une Femme

Компания Норберта Шмуцки

Кордебалет Национальной оперы Парижа

О программе

During their carreers at the Ballet de l'Opéra national de Paris, Patrick Dupond, Noëlla Pontois, Sylvie Guillem and Claude de Vulpian had all been named "étoiles," the highest French distinction for classical ballet. Their names and performances remain unforgotten.

This programme is a unique opportunity for us to live again the enchantement of the 1980s when, at the Palais Garnier, these great dancers used to perform the masterpieces of the repertoire, warmly acclaimed by their public.

In 1985, they are gathered on stage, at the Théâtre Pierre Fresnay in Ermont and the Théâtre des Arts in Cergy-Pontoise, in such various works as those choreographed by Marius Petipa and Norbert Schmucki. Accompanied by the Compagnie Norbert Schmucki and the Corps de Ballet de l'Opéra de Paris, they remind us of how magic their art seems. Those are truly unforgettable images...

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