Discover Bruckner's Symphony No. 9! Its composition began in 1887, but its author died before completing the last movement (no doubt another victim of the terrible Curse of the Ninth) but had time to make a final recommendation: that of playing his Te Deum instead of the final movement. This would be the case at the premiere in 1903, long after Bruckner's death. For a long time, people were not sure how to perform Symphony No. 9: how should the work end? Should the famous Te Deum be played? Should one try to reconstruct the missing movement? Or should one be satisfied with the first three movements alone? The latter solution was adopted and nowadays, ensembles end with the third movement, a sublime Adagio.

Explorar grabaciones de Sinfonía n.° 9 en re menor, WAB 109

Stream Bruckner’s brilliant Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, WAB 109 on! is the best online platform for streaming Bruckner’s Symphony No. 9 in D Minor live, on replay or VOD, offering you a virtual ticket to the most exciting concerts with the world’s best artists and orchestras captured in HD video. Symphony No. 9 is Bruckner’s ultimate symphonic work, which he didn't even have time to finish. Aware of his impending death, the composer recommended his Te Deum as the final movement. This confirms once again the theory of the “Curse of the Ninth”...

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A selection of our programs is available for free for all registered users and the rest can be unlocked with a subscription. Live videos, replays or VOD stream right to your living room from the most renowned concert halls in the world, and you can watch our operas on your biggest screens with AirPlay, Chromecast, and our new Roku app. No matter where you are, you’ll be able to discover the most beautiful symphonies of Bruckner, including Symphony No. 9, performed by celebrated orchestras including The Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra conducted by the late Mariss Jasons and the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of the great Herbert von Karajan!

The greatest artists of our time perform Bruckner’s Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, WAB 109 on, your #1 classical streaming platform 

Bruckner began composing his Symphony No. 9 in D Minor in 1887, before taking a break from it for a while, discouraged by the difficulty with which he had reached the end of his Eighth. He took up the score again in 1891, and it took him three years to complete the first movements. The final movement would remain unfinished, and Symphony No. 9 would not be premiered until 1903, 7 years after Bruckner’s death. In accordance with his wishes, at the premiere of the work, his Te Deum was played as the final movement. However, at the time of its premiere, the performance of Bruckner’s Symphony No. 9 was not entirely faithful to the original score. As a result, for a long time, the public would not discover Bruckner’s true Ninth. From 1932 on, the original score was played again, but one question remained: what about the final movement? There are so many gaps in the score that any attempt to reconstruct the fourth movement of Bruckner’s Symphony no. 9 would be futile, and the orchestras stop after the sublime Adagio.