Master class

Master Class with Mariss Jansons (I/II)

Berlioz's Symphonie fantastique — With the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra

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Program notes

The conductor Mariss Jansons gives a fascinating master class on Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique and Shostakovich's Fifth Symphony.

This 2-part program follows three young talented conductors in a master class with Mariss Jansons, the renowned chief conductor of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra.

The three young participants, the Hungarian Gergely Madaras, the Chinese Yu Lu and British Alexander Prior – all well under thirty – , were selected from a total of 80 international candidates. They lead the RCO during rehearsals of Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique and Shostakovich's Fifth Symphony for two days under the critical eye of maestro Mariss Jansons.

The film gives an interesting insight into the art of conducting and the conducting techniques of one of Europe's most celebrated maestros.

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