
Lucas Debargue performs his own Piano Trio — With Alexandre and David Castro-Balbi

Recital at the Fondation Louis Vuitton

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Lucas Debargue — Pianist

Alexandre Castro-Balbi — Cellist

David Castro-Balbi — Violinist

Program notes

International piano star Lucas Debargue presents one of his own compositions in a stunning recital at the Fondation Louis Vuitton.

In 2015, Lucas Debargue finished fourth at the XV International Tchaikovsky Competition and walked away with the prestigious Moscow Music Critics Association Prize. His talents have since shot him to the top of the classical music scene. At Paris's beautiful Fondation Louis Vuitton in 2017, the virtuoso brings emotion and maturity to two pristine sonatas by Schubert—as well as his own Piano Trio, with the help of his friends and colleagues, cellist Alexandre Castro-Balbi and violinist David Castro-Balbi, proving that his considerable talents lie not only in performing, but also in composition!

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