
«Моби Дик» Хегги

Леонард Фолья (режиссёр-постановщик), Патрик Саммерс (дирижёр) – С Джеем Хантером Моррисом (Капитан Ахаб) – Опера Сан-Франциско

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Patrick Summers — Музыкальный руководитель

Leonard Foglia — Режиссёр-постановщик

Keturah Stickann — Хореограф

Robert Brill — Художник по декорациям

Jane Greenwood — Художник по костюмам

Don Holder — Художник по свету

Gavan Swift — Художник по свету

Джей Хантер Моррис — Капитан Ахав

Stephen Costello — Гринхорн

Morgan Smith — Старбек

Джонатан Лемалу — Квикег

Talise Trevigne — Пип

Robert Orth — Стабб

Matthew O'Neill — Флэск

Joo Won Kang — Капитан Гардинер

Carmichael Blankenship — Таштего

Bradeley Kynard — Дегу

О программе

Herman Melville’s epic tale of a fierce, obsessive whaling-boat captain who descends into madness and puts his crew in mortal danger is brought to the stage in this thrilling production from San Francisco Opera.

Based on Herman Melville’s classic novel, composer Jake Heggie’s Moby Dick is an opera in two acts. Set in 1820, it tells the story of Ahab, captain of the whaling ship Pequod, whose leg was taken by a white whale called Moby Dick. The captain is obsessed with finding and destroying the whale at all costs. Only Starbuck, the ship’s first mate, sees the deadly implications of the captain’s obsession.

Moby Dick was commissioned by the Dallas Opera (in collaboration with the San Francisco Opera, San Diego Opera, State Opera of South Australia and Calgary Opera) to commemorate its inaugural season in the Winspear Opera House in 2010.


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