Документальный фильм

Скрипка для Рено

Скрипка Panette от мастера Гварнери «дель Джезу» (1737)

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Рено Капюсон — Скрипач

Жером Дюкро — Пианист

О программе

This documentary weaves together images and music recorded over the course of a CD production in which Renaud Capuçon presents his new violin, the 1737 Guarneri del Gesù "Panette," recently purchased and then loaned to him by a banking institution based in Lugano.

Renaud Capuçon retraces his relationship with and the long history of this extraordinary violin, which belonged to Isaac Stern for more than 50 years. The story is told through interviews with the bank director who bought the instrument, the luthiers who took care of it, the director of Cremona's Stradivarius Museum and the Englishman Charles Beare, who is considered to be the premiere expert on historical instruments made in Cremona.

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