Документальный фильм

Усадьба Верди

В пути с Джузеппе Верди

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О программе

Discover the Italy of Giuseppe Verdi.

The documentary introduces the spectator to the beautiful homeland of Verdi, the region of Parma, Italy. This film is a journey through the little village called Le Roncole in the vicinity of Parma, where Verdi was born, to the estate close to Parma, to which Verdi – despite the great triumphs he celebrated in Milan, Venice, Naples and other Major cities across Europe – always came back to and chose to spend the most of his life. The spectator gets to know how Verdi "lives on" in the region and how he has even formed the area. From the everyday life of a simple peasant to the life of one of the biggest opera stars in the world, Leo Nucci – who is a regular guest at the Verdi Festival in Parma –, Verdi has left an imperishable mark on the memory of his homeland's people.

Picture: © Classica Italia


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