
Жан-Филипп Коллар: Соната си-бемоль минор Листа

Лист, Шопен, Вагнер, Бах

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Жан-Филипп Коллар — Пианист

О программе

As a celebration of Liszt's 200th birthday, the pianist Jean-Philippe Collard offers a series of 21 recitals that are based around Liszt's Symphony in B Minor. On April 22, 2011, he plays works by two prolix composers and pianists of the Romantic era: the two close friends Franz Liszt and Frederic Chopin.

The event takes place in the mythical Salle Colonne. This venue, famous for its extraordinary acoustic qualities, was completely redone during the spring of 2011 with the Colonne Orchestra's initiative, who has owned it for over 70 years.

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