Itamar Borochov — Trompetista
Alessandro Lanzoni — Pianista
Yoni Zelnik — Contrabajista
Ziv Ravitz — Baterista
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In 2019 at the Moods Club in Zurich, Itamar Borochov and his counterparts perform his own passionate and powerful compositions. Hailing from Israel, this prodigy of the trumpet is also a highly accomplished composer having grown up in a family of musicians and attended the New School in New York, graduating in 2007. This performance is the perfect illustration of the iconic colour of Israeli jazz and of the talents present on stage.
The aesthetic of this style of jazz is magnified by the spiritual experience of Borochov. The melodies and harmonies developed by this outstanding trumpeter are inspired by the celebrations of his hometown’s synagogue. He describes it perfectly: ‘I must be absolutely honest. If Coltrane was inspired by the fact that his father was a preacher, I must do the same thing. Lee Morgan brought the gospel, and I bring the music of the Sephardic Synagogue’.
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