
Domingo Hindoyan dirige Bruckner y Bruch — Con Timothy Chooi

Real Orquesta Filarmónica de Liverpool

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Timothy Chooi — Violinista

Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra

Domingo Hindoyan — Director

Sobre el programa...

Embark on a pastoral journey with the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of Domingo Hindoyan and virtuoso violinist Timothy Chooi!

The evening begins with Bruch's Scottish Fantasy for violin and orchestra. In this 1880 work, the composer seeks inspiration in Scottish folklore and popular melodies to create a musical adventure through the Highlands. The piece's inclusion in the program includes a reference to the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra's history, which premiered the work in 1881 with Bruch himself at the helm! The evening continues with Bruckner's Symphony No. 4, also known as the "Romantic", whose movements evoke medieval scenes and landscapes that transport the listener not only in space, but also through time...

Photo: Timothy Chooi © Den Sweeney

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