Документальный фильм

«Весна священная»: танец весны осенью

«Весна священная» в постановке Тьерри Тьё Нианг

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Тьерри Тье Ньянг — Хореограф

Жан-Пьер Мулер — Хореограф

Патрис Шеро — Режиссёр-постановщик

О программе

Thierry Thieû Niang and Jean-Pierre Moulères address the issue of time passing by in our contemporary society with Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring.

How did twenty retired men and women from Marseille find themselves in a prestigious ballet theatre? In 2012, nurses, housewives, teachers and doctors, aged between 60 and 87, without any experience in ballet, performed Stravinksy's masterpiece The Rite of Spring. The fruit of seven years of collaboration with the ground breaking choreographers, Thierry Thieû Niang and Jean-Pierre Moulères, the show has been acclaimed by the public and the critics in France.

How did this project enrich the lives of the participants, freeing them, rekindling their hope in themselves and injecting a little 'spring' into their step? The show makes a gesture of resistance in a society that no longer knows how to deal with the passing of time. Patrice Chéreau chose to open this peculiar new creation with extracts from The Diaries of Vaslav Nijinski. The film follows the culmination of this extraordinary human journey.


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