Документальный фильм

Танго в кругу друзей с Даниэлем Баренбоймом

Даниэль Баренбойм в Буэнос-Айресе

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Даниэль Баренбойм — Дирижер, пианист

Пласидо Доминго — Тенор

Родольфо Медерос — Бандонеонист

Hector Console — Контрабасист

О программе

As much a pilgrimage as a overseas trip, the famous pianist and conductor Daniel Barenboim returns to his native city of Buenos Aires to rediscover the magic of the tango and the legend of Carlos Gardel, one of tango's most fervent ambassadors.

Interviews and archival footage evoke the seductive and optimistic spirit of early 20th century Buenos Aires. The documentary also explores the artistic richness that poor and immigrant populations have brought to this dance. Baremboim surveys the different styles and techniques of tango, and performs the music of Gardel, Salgán, Piazzolla, and Ginastera alongside Rodolfo Mederos, Hector Console, and the great tenor Plácido Domingo.

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