Документальный фильм

Shalom! The Music Comes from Within

Coro Papageno – The Heritage of Claudio Abbado

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Клаудио Аббадо — Дирижер

Coro Papageno

Michele Napolitano — Хормейстер (Coro Papageno)

О программе

“What is music to me? Everything. Those who do not love music, who do not know music, must be helped, as it is one of the most important things of life.” –Claudio Abbado.

In 2011, Claudio Abbado founded Coro Papageno, a choir that brings together 120 imprisoned men and women of Bologna’s Dozza Penitentiary with volunteer singers of the Mikrokosmos, Ad Maiora, and Bassi & Co. choirs. This documentary follows the story of a revolutionary ensemble that is living proof of how music can fundamentally change lives in incredibly concrete ways. Now led by Michele Napolitano, Coro Papageno gives at least two concerts every year and has already performed at the Vatican and the European Music Festival. A truly inspirational tale of the power of art!

Photo: Shalom © Enza Negroni

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