Документальный фильм

Роберт Шуман, фортепианный концерт ля минор

Открываем шедевры классической музыки

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Лейпцигский оркестр Гевандхауза

Рикардо Шайи — Дирижёр

Марта Аргерих — Пианистка

О программе

Experience and enjoy in a completely new way the great works of classical music, from the Baroque to the modern period, thanks to a series of 20 audio-visual concert guides, Discovering Masterpieces of Classical Music.

Robert Schumann's famous Piano Concerto in A Minor, Op. 54, is not a traditional virtuoso showpiece but a cooperative venture between the soloist and the orchestra. This new relationship transported the piano concerto into the realm of symphonic music.

The German musicologist Wulf Konold explains the special features of the composition using concert footage of the Argentinean piano virtuoso Martha Argerich.


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