Документальный фильм

Филипп Декуфле, Язык танца

Компания DCA

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Некоторые части этой программы в настоящее время недоступны


Филипп Декуфле — Хореограф

Милош Галко

Ирма Омерцо

Брад Денис

Кристоф Ваксман

Дафне Може

Доминик Гримонпре

Селин Зордиа

Жозеф Ракай — Музыка

SPOT — Музыка

Sir-Cus — Музыка

Филипп Гильотель — Художник по костюмам

Катрин Кустэр — Художник по костюмам

Дидье Деспен — Художник по костюмам

Патрис Безомб — Художник по свету

Ив Бернар — Художник по декорациям

О программе

A documentary about Philippe Decouflé, French contemporary dance choreographer

Philippe Découflé was born in Paris in 1961. He studied various disciplines such as mime with Isaac Alvarez and circus with Anne Fratelli. He worked at the Centre national de la danse contemporaine d'Anger before creating his own dance company in 1983 : the DCA company (Diversity, Comradeship, Agility). Since 1993, the company is settled at La Chaufferie, an old residence rehabilitated for this purpose in Saint-Denis, north of Paris. It is today his home and sometimes his performance venue. Philippe Decouflé has conducted the opening and closing ceremonies of the Albertville 1992 Olympics, to which he ows his global reputation.

In this documentary, Philippe Decouflé talks about his work as a choreographer, that he describes as "free" and "without limit" because he is not attached to any Choreographic Centre. His creations are original, motley, and popular, thanks to his own interpretation of various forms of art.


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