Документальный фильм

«Троянцы» в театре Шатле

Возрождение шедевра Гектора Берлиоза – С сэром Джоном Элиотом Гардинером

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Yánnis Kókkos — Режиссёр-постановщик

Сьюзен Грэм — Didon

Анна Катерина Антоначчи — Cassandre/Clio

Рената Покупич — Anna

Грегори Кунде — Enée

Людовик Тезье — Chorèbe

Николя Тесте — Panthée

Stéphanie d'Oustrac — Ascagne

Lydia Koniardou — Andromaque

Хор Монтеверди

Donald Palumbo — Хормейстер

Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique

Сэр Джон Элиот Гардинер — Дирижёр

О программе

Les Troyens, conducted by John Eliot Gardiner at the Théâtre du Châtelet in 2003, returned to mark the 200th anniversary of the composer, a highly acclaimed production that offers a revival in the masterpiece of Berlioz.

"Berlioz was the person who understood how orchestras became great," said John Eliot Gardiner: this production of The Trojans is a real revival because for the first time, the conductor mobilizes all period instruments desired by the composer.

The production is enhanced by a casting choice to give a musical performance great distinction: American mezzo-soprano Susan Graham who sang the role of Dido, Italian soprano Anna Caterina Antonacci in the role of Cassandra and the American tenor Gregory Kunde playing Aeneas.

In this "perfect marriage of text and music," the singers expressed poignantly all characters of pathos that spring (madness, despair...)

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