Документальный фильм

Grand Écart

Современный французский балет

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С эксклюзивными интервью:

Франсуаз Дюпюи

Матильд Моннье

Маги Марен

Лоранс Лупп

Доминик Дюпюи

Жан-Поль Монтанари

Жоэль Бувье

Режис Обадиа

Жан-Клод Галотта

Мишель Келеменис

Режин Шопино

Борис Чарматц

Димитрий Шамбла

Жером Лекардёр

Карин Сапорта

Хосе Монтальво

О программе

Charles Picq presents the French contemporary ballet scene in its plurality and originality.

TV director Charles Picq meets with the leading figures of the French contemporary ballet scene and evokes with them their own artistic path. Aiming at drawing a picture of the plurality of the approches that have developed over the years, Charles Picq interviews most of the artists who took part in this great choroegraphic adventure.

Members of the Nouvelle Danse Française, such as Maguy Marin, Jean-Claude Gallotta, Karine Saporta, Joëlle Bouvier and Régis Obadia, as well as unclassifiable artists like Françoise Dupuy and Mathilde Monnier, all these dancers and choreographers accepted to respond to Charles Picq and give fascinating insights into the evolution of the French contemporary ballet scene during their period of artistic activities.

Brilliantly produced, Charles Picq's documentary succeeds in drawing a general picture of the French contemporary ballet scene in its entirety and singularity: a movie without any star, any hierarchy, but a movie open to creation in its most diverse forms.


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