
Gábor Takács-Nagy, Renaud and Gautier Capuçon, Daniel Hope, Lawrence Power and Simone Dinnerstein

Schulhoff, Bruch and Schubert. With the Verbier Festival Chamber Orchestra

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Этот концерт представлен


Камерный оркестр Фестиваля Вербье

Габор Такач-Надь — Дирижёр

Рено Капюсон — Скрипач

Дэниэл Хоуп — Скрипач

Лоуренс Пауэр — Альтист

Готье Капюсон — Виолончелист

Симона Диннерштайн — Пианистка

О программе

The specificity of the Verbier Festival is the unprecedented associations of artists that the programmation gather on stage. This concert is the perfect illustration of this concept!

Dedicated to the concert repertoire, the first part of the concert involves the Verbier Festival Chamber Orchestra and its music director, Gábor Takács-Nagy, founder of the legendary Takács Quartet, performing works by Schulhoff, Bruch and Schubert, starring such internationally renowned soloists as the violinists Daniel Hope and Renaud Capuçon, the violist Lawrence Power and the pianist Simone Dinnerstein.

At the end of the concert, the three soloists, joined by Gautier Capuçon, gather to perform Schubert's "Der Tod und das Mädchen."

Renaud et Gautier Capuçon appear courtesy of Virgin Classics.
Daniel Hope appears courtesy of Deutsche Grammophon GmbH.
Simone Dinnerstein appears courtesy of Sony Classical.

Picture: Gábor Takács-Nagy © Verbier Festival

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