
Симфония № 9 Дворжака, дирижирует Герберт фон Караян

Венский филармонический оркестр

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О программе

Invited by the progressive American arts patron Jeannette Thurber to direct the nascent National Conservatory of Music of America in New York in October of 1892, Dvořák was initially hesitant, attached as he was to his homeland—but he ultimately accepted her lavish offer, some 25 times more than he made in Prague, in order to better provide for his family. His subsequent voyage would become the point of departure for one of the world’s most beloved symphonic works: his Symphony No. 9 “From the New World”, which combines traditional Slavic folk music with the new American musical horizons he encountered. Karajan and the Vienna Philharmonic honor the Czech composer’s magnificent chef-d’œuvre with this captivating performance.

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