Master class con Sander Sittig (I/III)
Estudios sinfónicos, op. 13 de Schumann
Sander Sittig — Maestro, pianista
Daniele Riscica — Pianista
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Award-winning Dutch pianist and accompanist Sander Sittig gives a master class at the Villa Sandra Lesa in Lesa, Italy, working with Daniele Riscica on Schumann's Symphonic Studies, Op. 13.
Schumann's Symphonies Studies, Op. 13 began as a theme with 16 variations inspired by a melody composed by the guardian of Ernestine von Fricken, the composer's first fiancée. Upon its publication in 1837, the work included only 12 variations, with the final etude being a variation on the theme from Heinrich Marschner's opera Der Templer und die Jüdin. Rather than pure pedagogical exercises, the studies are concert pieces that explore the piano's technical and timbre possibilities.